24 July 2014

5 Month Fun Fact Update

Thanks to all of you for following our journey for the past 5 months! This seems as good of time as any to post an easy fun fact blog. We have been moving slowly during our first 5 months and have decided that during the next 5 we will be moving much more quickly! We are planning to be wrapping up our time in South America by December/January and we aren't even in South America yet! But I'm not looking at this as, “Oh man, there is no way we are going to see enough of South America in only 5 or 6 months.” Instead, I'm looking at this as, “Oh man, we get to travel in South America for 5 or 6 months! Imagine how much we will get to do!” So we won't get to see every nook and cranny, but who ever does!

In numbers so far...

Countries visited: 5 (Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua)
Accommodations stayed in: 48 (mostly hostels, some hotels, and 1 homestay)
Days since our initial departure: 155
Highest elevation: 8,694 ft (El Baul, lookout point Xela, Guatemala)
Lowest elevation: 102 feet below sea level (Haliburton wreck dive, Utila, Honduras)
Friends from States we've joined up with along the way (excluding wedding): 1
Average weight of my pack: 16.5 kilos (too heavy!)
Local (national) beers tasted: 9 (Tona, Victoria, Gallo, Salva Vida, Imperial, Brahva, Brahva Extra, Golden, Pilsener)
Beaches visited: 9
Self-treated infections: 2
Hospital Visits: 0
Muggings: 0
Known items lost: 4 (sunglasses x 3, Hydroflask)
Flights: 9 (counts each different physical plane)
First class buses: 2
Chicken buses: 50+
Hair cuts: 1
Approximate daily average budget for the 2 of us: $56USD

Average exchange rates:
$1 = 20 Lempira (Honduras)
$1 = 13 Pesos (Mexico)
$1 = 7.5 Quetzales (Guatemala)
$1 = 1 dollar (El Salvador uses the US dollar!!)
$1 = 26 Cordoba (Nicaragua)

We will have to see how the next 5 months compare!

Let me know if there are other numbers/stats you are interested in and I will tally them for you!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the informative blog, sweetheart! I am at the shop checking e-mail and FB - no internet at home - need replacement router :( If neede, e-mail me at work. Where are you headed next? Love you! mom PS very happy for no hospital visits/muggings
